Staying Connected
In line with the government directive we have had to close for public worship again from 5th November until 2nd December. But the church is very much still open for business and you can catch our services on Facebook Live on a Sunday morning and then catch up if you’ve missed it here as soon as we’ve had the chance to upload them!
It’s so important that we all remain connected to God and one another during these challenging times, supporting one another through the long haul.
As a church, we are very much part of our local community and are still
Here for you ..
If you are feeling isolated or lonely and could do with someone to talk to or pray with you, please do get in touch.
Also if you aren’t able to get out and you need some practical support, please let us know. We have a group of lovely people who would be more than happy to lend a hand in whatever way we can - maybe collecting things like prescriptions & shopping for you.
Here for others ..
We all know how hard it’s been to get what we need but those who are reliant on the Foodbanks will be hit particularly hard when stocks run low. If you are able, why not try and grab something for the Foodbank when you get your shopping? See church opening times to drop off.
Praying Together Whilst Apart..
Although we are not able to meet together in the same space, we can still be joined together in prayer.
Join us by praying from your home at any of these times
Monday @ 9.00am
Morning Prayer
Wednesday @ 7.30pm
Night Prayer -
(Streamed via Facebook)
Sundays @ 10.15
Morning worship or Prayer & Reflection
(Streamed via Facebook & Available online later that day)
Everyday @ noon
Praying the Lord’s Prayer
If you have anything that you would value prayer for please do let us know.
We sometimes pray for people by name (first names only),
if you would rather we didn’t when we are streaming the prayers,
please let us know with your prayer request.
Tel. 01202 581135
Text: 07873 440041
Join Christians from all over the UK in prayer. Every day at 6pm we will pause and pray for those impacted by the pandemic.
Please click here for prayer resources.