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Advent 2020

Join us on an Advent journey

Often we can see Advent simply as the frantic run up to Christmas but there is so much more to it than that!.  The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word "adventus", meaning

 “coming,” it's an opportunity to look back and remember the events that led to the birth of Jesus, our Saviour, and a time to look forwards to the awesome day of Jesus' return.

This year in particular has been a challenging one and sometimes when things are difficult we can loose sight of God in amongst the challenges.  But it's at times like these when it's even more important to hold on to the truth that the God who loves us so much that He sent His only Son, is always with us and that He is rock solid and unchanging.

So, we'd like to invite you to join us on an Advent journey.  Each week there will be something to watch, something to think about, something to do and something to pray about.

And we pray that your journey through Advent this year will beunexpectedly blessed as you step out in Faith and Hope, may you experience the Peace, Joy and Love of God that is yours in Jesus Christ, the baby born in Bethlehem.

Week 4 - Peace

Sun. 20th December to Wednesday. 23rd – Peace

Something to think about...

When we get caught up in the hard work of getting things sorted for the big day, we can easily believe that everything depends on our own efforts.  Taking a moment to pause and be thankful can remind us that all that we have – even life itself – is a gift.  Remembering the steadfast love of the giver might even take some pressure off us.


Christmas can get frantic, and while this year will be different, it may still feel stressful.  So take time to go out for a walk, sit in quiet with a book, listen to some music, spend some time with God, or do whatever you find de-stresses you.  God loves us for who we are rather than what we do. 


Relax in that love and give thanks that the blessings are new every day.  

Something to do...

Share the light....

Sit back with a nice hot drink… and relax!  You might find it helpful to light a candle and use it as a focus. 

How can you show the love of God to those in need in your community?  Maybe there is someone who is shielding who needs help with shopping or something else practical, or maybe just a phone call of a Zoom chat would lift their   spirits?

Something to pray about...

For others:  Whilst you are taking your daily exercise or are heading to the shops, why not turn it into a prayer walk and pray for your local area and the households that you pass as you walk?  Praying for God’s Shalom, the total peace and wholeness that only God can give upon your community.   If you can’t get out why not pull up a map of your local area on Google and pray for the roads?  Pray for them, for yourself, and all whom you love, that you might all feel peace this Christmas.


For yourself:  Lord Jesus Christ, Prince of peace, reign in our hearts and in all the world. Come close to us this Advent.  Amen

Christmas Eve 

Give Thanks....

for the enduring gifts of Christmas that are freely available to us: the peace, love and hope that the birth of Jesus brings. 


for those you know in your community who particularly need to hear the ‘good news of great joy’ this Christmas – and ask God how you can be part of the answer to that prayer.

Christmas  Day - Love

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 1.5


the Good News of great joy – however you celebrate this year, thank God for Jesus: the greatest gift of all time, the Light of the World, and the King of Kings. Nothing will ever separate us from his love and his Kingdom will never end. Hallelujah!


Lord Jesus Christ, Light of the World and Love of God revealed, fill us

and all your world with Your love.  Come close to us this Christmas. Amen.

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