Welcome to St Philip's West Howe

Welcome to St. Philip's
​We are part of the Church of England and have been in the centre of West Howe since 1953. We believe that through Jesus Christ we can encounter the God who created and loves us, that when we engage with Him through worship, His word, sharing communion together and prayer, that we are transformed and equipped by the Holy Spirit to live as Jesus' disciples and serve Him in the world.
In all that we do we aim to share the love of Jesus whether through our words or deeds.
However, the best way to find out about us is to come and see for yourselves, so why not join us and see what we're like and what we get up to? We'd really love to meet you!
Living our faith at St. Philip's
In May, we held our Annual Meeting at St Philips which gave us the great opportunity to look back over 2023 and thank God for all He has done in our parish.
Take a look at what we got up to and see what life at St. Philip's looks like...
70 years of St. Philip's
In March 2023 we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the dedication of St. Philip's Church here in West Howe.
We had an afternoon tea where we were joined by friends old and new.

Click here to get a pdf of the platinum West Howe Post
Here's 70 years of St. Philip's in 70 Slides!